What's up!? well it's been a fan freakin tastic week here in petoskey! :)
haha. Conference was awesome! we had a different investigator at every session!
it was sooo good. Everyone of the investigators felt the spirit was strong too.
Elder Nelson's talk on how the church is important too was perfect for one of my
investigators. he's a 60 year old man that is a baptist and he doesn't really
think there is a difference in any of the churches all that is important is
faith. so he and i were discussing that a couple nights ago and now i'm just
gonna print out that talk and let elder nelson teach him. haha. it was
frustrating trying to teach this guy authority though. he doesn't think
authority matters even though we talked about at least 5 places where christ
gives people authority in the bible. but that's alright. we'll get through to
him sooner or later. haha. we were really blessed with our finding this week. we
knocked into a family that are just seekers of truth. they go to a church but
they only go to that one because they know they need to. they don't beleive
everything that it teaches. they let us in, fed us, and let us teach them our
beliefs. haha. it was AMAZING!! it was such a good lesson. the mom didn't
beleive that god would damn someone that didn't have the chance to hear the
gospel. so we were able to share part of the plan of salvation with her on how
we know that god doesnt do that. how god gives everyone the chance to hear the
gospel. then at the end we were told to come back soon! and the best part, the
daughter is the girlfriend of a priest in the ward. he is going on a missino
soon and we said, ya we'll have adam come by and teach you the lessons for
practice. so they are going to let us teach them all the lessons! we're pumped
about them. we also found a less accountable man to teach. he's 23 years old and
he's kinda slow. but we're goign to go by when he and his dad are there and
teach them both at the same time. Elder wright went to the sault and so i got to
run the area. i was in cheboygan with elder ballard and we were teaching kory!
the black guy that loves the book of mormon. well there was a guy there that sat
in and he is the husband of the woman who owns the home. well this guy started
saying a bunch of stuff about how he burns crosses and all this stuff. well he's
like, "i can't see, feel, or touch faith." so i asked if he could see feel or
touch air. and he said no but that's not how air works. so then i said, well
don't you think that's how faith works? and then he was like well i'm just not a
faithful person i don't beleive in faith. i beleive in science. so then i ask
him if he realizes that his argument is based on the faith that there isn't a
god. cuz science doesn't disprove god. well then he says, now your switching my
words on me and he stopped saying dumb comments. haha. but kory got his two
scents in too! haha. he started telling this guy how faith is like a building on
a firm foundation and without it it would just fall. haha. kory made me proud.
haha. kory is a champ, i wish you guys could meet him. he tried to give us front
row tickets to his first cage fight that is in a week, but we told him we
probably couldn't go since we are missionaries. haha. but it really has been
such a great week! we've gotten lots of work done and we're doing work out here
in petoskey! i love being a missionary! it's the most rewarding work in the
world. seeing peoples lives change drastically from keeping the simple
commandments of god is amazing. i've never really realized how valuable what we
have is until seeing people add it into their lives. i love it! i love being a
missionary! well, my people, have a great week!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
April 1, 2013
Another great week in Petoskey! We saw a couple signs of spring the last couple
days, but it's snowing again today. . . haha. maybe eventually the sun will stay
here. This week was a great week! We were extremely blessed all week. So it
started out just the same, we were working really hard and doing lots of
teaching and finding, but by thursday we kinda started to realize that miracle
after miracle was happening. So in your mission (i'll just explain this for
people that don't know), the mission president sets up things called standards
of excellence which are goals that will push you. there are seven weekly
standards and if you hit 4 or 5 you can tell you were using your time
effectively and really had a great week. Well, back to the story. Sunday,
monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday come and go and we worked hard just like normal.
but Wednesday we realized that holy crap, we have taught a ton of lessons, found
a lot of people to teach, and set three baptismal dates. we had hit a lot of the
standards by the end of Wednesday. so we keep going and working hard like usual
and then sunday at church roles around and we have 4 investigators at church.
We reflected on the week and we had hit all seven of the standards of excellence.
not only hit them, but crushed a lot of them. it was pretty humbling to look
back on the week and look at the lessons we taught and realize how much god put
us right where he needed us. now, missionary work isn't about hitting numbers,
but it was just cool to see how many miracles that had happened right before our
eyes. a few cool stories i'll tell you about. so early on in the week we were
going to see an investigator that really wasn't moving forward. we had just let
him simmer for a few weeks so we decided this week was the week to go see him.
so we were planning on just sharing a spiritual though with him but we got in
there and i had a way strong feeling to ask him about Joseph smith. well by the
end we had retaught him the restoration and we were really bold with him and i
had the feeling to set a date with him. the guy accepted and committed to
reading the Book of Mormon everyday and praying about Joseph smith. it was a
crazy experience. Elder wright and i after we left just looked at each other and
were like, "what just happened?" haha. it's pretty crazy how we're just the
tools in the lord's hands. then we went to a lady that had stood us up like four
times and we were going to give her one last shot. so we go and she answers! we
were able to teach the restoration and this time elder wright put on the bold
pants and committed her to baptism and set a date. and yet again, we leave and
we're like "what just happened?" haha. We had a ton of those moments throughout
this week. it was honestly crazy to see all the miracles. saturday we also had a
pretty cool experience. we had a member go with us to charlevoix which is about
the distance from layton to salt lake. he drove us and we also took a priest
with us so we could go on splits. well elder wright took the guy with him and
taught our lessons and i went with the priest and we went to go door knocking.
well, he and i talked for like three hours as we were door knocking and it was
cool just to share my testimony with him on how amazing serving a mission is and
how much happiness it brings to your life if you work hard. he still doesn't
know what he's gonna do, but i told him he better pray about it and tell me what
he thinks at church this coming Sunday. so if he's honest with himself on the
answer he recieves, he'll be deciding to serve a mission. haha. hopefully he
does. he was really worried about school so i talked to him a lot cuz i was in
the same boat as him. so it was cool. and he was able to see successful
doorknocking. haha. we talked to SOO many people that day on the doors. and we
didn't get yelled at which was pretty nuts. haha. it's kinda funny, it's usually
the people with really nice welcome matts and happy decorations that are the
meanest. and they are usually old ladies too. i have a lot of funny stories
about old ladies yelling at us. haha. Well my homies! have a fan freakin tastic
Friday, March 29, 2013
March 25, 2013
March 18, 2013
another great week in michigan! this week was miracle after miracle. We
found six new people to teach and taught a ton of lessons! it was great to see
everything go through and see it all work out. We found out where kory went.
haha. he ended up going to gaylord (a couple hours south of me) to visit his
grandpa for a couple weeks. so we weren't able to teach him again this week, but
at least we know where he disappeared to. haha. so we found out sunday that gina
got antied by all of her family on sunday so we got to go clear some things up.
we went over to herapartment and she was like " my family says you guys worship
joseph smith and all this stuff." so i looked at her and asked, " when you came
to church, who is the only person we worshipped?" and then she was like 'jesus.
. . " and then she was like," i know it's true, i've prayed about the book of
mormon and i just know it's true. i hate that everyone trys to tell me
otherwise." so it was pretty easy to clear up her concerns, because she already
knows it's true and that her family was wrong. it's funny how much satan trys
to bring down the church, but just can't. people think that the commandments are
just restrictions on us, but if only they knew how free they really make us. We
had a cool lesson on preisthood authority with a couple that are in their
fiftys. they were really confused and we cleared a lot of stuff up and i showed
them my line of authority and showed them how we can trace our authority back to
christ and they were pretty amazed that we could do that. a lot of people out
here confuse the light of christ with the priesthood. we've had to teach the
difference quite a few times. I went to traverse city on a trade off with elder
manning. it was a pretty short trade off because our schedules were way busy.
but the zone leaders have to go on at least one trade off per transfer with the
district leaders so it had to be done. but it is fun to go work in other areas
and see how the work is going there. Like i said, this week we have been
extremely blessed. i'm looking forward to another great week! sorry i don't
really know what to say this week. haha. so it's kinda short today. You Stay
Petoskey, Michigan |
March 11, 2013
What up my people!? haha. it's been a great week in Michigan! first i'd
like you all to know that i ate the second hottest pepper in the world on
it was the hottest until just a little while ago. you'll be getting a
video of that pretty soon. haha.
So we did trade offs on wednesday and i stayed
here with Elder Mosely while Elder Wright went to the Sault. We didn't really
have a lot of visible success this week. it was kind of a weird week, not a lot
of people answered their doors and not a lot of our lessons went through. but it
was still a really good week. like i said, Elder Wright and I are really similar
so we didn't get down at all, we just kept going. haha. cathryn (one of our
investigators whose had a lot of missionaries) says we are definitely the
goofiest/happiest missionaries that have taught her. haha. i definitely take that
as a compliment. We are starting to help Gina quit smoking because she really
wants to be baptized. so we've been working hard with her so she can move
forward. We went to see kory on thursday but he hadn't been seen in a few
days... haha. so hopefully we see him again soon. he doesn't have a phone and he
lives forty miles away in cheboygan, so he's not really one that we can go try
to catch everyday. Holly unfortunatly shined us this past week so hopefully we
can catch her again. unfortunately there is a TTOONN of anti stuff up here so
before lessons we have to clean up a lot of things which isn't a big deal, but
it sucks when people wont talk to us about it. but we'll catch her. haha. so i
was reading in Doctrine and Covenants and found some sweet scriptures! Doctrine
and Covenants 35: 13-14. Its SOO sweet! haha. we (20 year old kids) are the weak
things of the world and we've been called to Thrash the nations!! SO SICK! man,
it's cool to be a missionary and know that god is behind you one hundred percent
as long as you're being obedient. i was seriously pumped after reading that.
god's army of missionaries is thrashing the nations! Well, i'm basically out of
things to say. like i said, this week there wasn't a lot of visible success, but
we still worked our butts off and know that no missionary work is wasted. ok,
one last scripture Doctrine and Covenants 130: 20. this one is sweet too. it's
basically saying if we keep the commandments god cannot go against the law that
is in heaven. he has to bless us. so don't make exceptions to keeping the
commandments of god. god knows it's hard. he's trying our faith, but he WILL
bless us. That's all i have for you folks today so cya later! haha.
This is the Bhut Jalokia Pepper. It is 400 Times Hotter than Tobasco Sauce. |
Day of Eating the Pepper with a Doctor standing by |
Monday, March 4, 2013
March 4, 2013
So thursday night i was trying to find a member to bring to gina's lesson (the one with the baptismal date) while elder wright was filling in the area book. i called like nine sisters to come along with us and none were around! so i called the ward mission leader to see if anyone popped into his head and he gave me a couple sisters names so i gave one a call that i didn't really think would fit for gina but she said she could come with us. well we go and teach gina and the sister was a champ!! there stories were exactly the same! god proved to me how he knows best on that one. well to continue the story we told the sister before the lesson to invite gina to church and she did and it was awesome! so yesterday at church we had four investigators there! Gina and Kory ( the black guy) sat with us and the other two were with other families that we asked to fellowship them. and it was testimony meeting and nobody bore weird testimonys, they were all way powerful and everyone felt the spirit. so it was awesome! then to show how much kory loves the book of mormon, during priesthood the guy teaching was like does someone want to turn to alma 40? and kory jumped and grabbed his book of mormon and was like" oh man nigga, I got that!" haha! it was sooo funny! he loves the book of mormon. i'm loving it here in michigan. elder wright and i don't get down. it's sooo nice not having a companion that gets down with things don't go smooth. in fact for the most part, days do not go how we plan. but we always have a good time and keep laughin and rollin with the punches. no need to get down over something that you can't really control. remember to always find the good in life. cuz it's always there. well, my people, i'll cya later! haha. Peace!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
February 25, 2013
We had zone conference which was good. president hess talked to us and i really like something that he pointed out. he was talking about Doctrine and Covenants 6:36. he pointed out that it's a commandment to doubt not and fear not. those are two tools that satan uses to destroy the work and we have the agency and ability to choose what we are thinking. often times we worry about stupid things. well stop worrying about it. worrying is a waste of time and you have the ability to choose what you think about. i loved that becasue it is so true, worrying doesn't change the circumstances of anything. it really is just a waste of time. put your worrys on christ. that's why he atoned for us. he knows how we feel so get on your knees and ask to quit worrying about certain things and WORK for it. think about what your thinking about and change what your thinking about if necessary. you become and you are what you think you are and what you think you'll become. so be confident. like me! ;) haha jk. I just had to throw that in there. so friday we talked to holly (an investigator that we knocked into) about the plan of salvation and invited her to be baptized. she said she will have to think about it but that she would pray about it. and now for telling you guys about saturday. the most tiring day of my mission by far and the weirdest day and just a crazy day that i felt just about every emotion there is. So i'll give some of the highlights. so about mid way through the day we go and see an investigator ( by this point a bunch has already happened and the day has already been nuts) her name is Gina and we knocked into her i think tuesday. but we had an amazing first lesson with her. we had to clear up a lot about the church because anti material is everywhere up here, but by the end of our lesson she felt loads better about the church and was sincerely going to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. then we set a baptismal date with her!!! i was SOO pumped! haha. then we went and talked to the guy that wanted help to quit smoking. we got all the stuff for the quit smoking program and took it to him. we started talking about the necessary steps and i told him to go grab his tobacco. he asked why i wanted him to grab it and i told him cuz he was going to throw it away and get rid of it. then he told me that it was expensive and he didn't want to throw it away so i kinda got blunt with him and asked if he was just blowing smoke when he told us that he wanted to quit smoking. he said he wants to quit smoking and he just can't now. so i asked why he couldn't start now and blah blah blah, moral of the story he isn't doing the stop smoking program with him anymore, but we are visiting with him about personal stuff and we gave him a blessing. Well then later that night we go and talk to a mother that has had the missionaries for a long time cuz she had kinda a bad experience happen with her daughter so we go over and we talk to her and comfort her. this lady is cool though, Elder Wright and I are able to teach her things that other missionaries haven't been able to because she tells them to stop teaching her. but it's cuz we're real with her and we aren't pretending to be someone else. so side note comment, remember the lord called YOU on a mission. you don't have to act like someone you're not. YOU can touch someone that others can't. so then we went to dinner then after dinner we go to the hospital to give a recent convert a blessing. well in the same room as this lady is an old woman who is obviously in her death bed and in loads of pain. her daughter who is in her 50's is right next to her trying to comfort her and she is crying. so we ask if we can do anything for her and we tell her we can give her mother a blessing. this lady was so grateful and you could tell felt the love and sincere care that we felt for her and so she said she would love that. well, i'm about to start when the daughter's husband walks in and the daughter tells him that "these kind young men are going to give mom a blessing." well he looks at us, looks at our badge, and says" no there not." So i looked at the daughter and wished her my best and told her we'd pray for her. then this guy says my mom's a christian! you devil worshiper! then elder wright was like "sir, we believe whole heartedly in christ and we wish you the best." I can tell you, i have never felt so bad for someone in my life and never wanted to punch someone in the throat so bad in my life. that one took a lot to just walk away from and not yell or say anything bad at this guy. cuz we just wanted to help that poor woman and her mom. so then we went on a walk with an investigator and helped a guy that was stuck in his driveway cuz of the snow and told him a little about who we are. so that made us feel a lot better, but we still had to pray hard that night to not harbor those hard feelings against that guy. cuz i really wanted to punch that guy right in the head. but i didn't and we didn't do or say anything to disgrace the name we have on our badge. but ya, that day i felt every emotion in the book. haha. it was nuts. haha. well hope you all have a great week.
Letter from President - February 16, 2013
Dear Brother and Sister Foust,
One of the great experiences for Sister Hess and I is welcoming new missionaries as they arrive. They are anxious to accept their new life in the mission field. New missionaries bring with them a special spirit from the Missionary Training Center and are excited about exercising their newly found gospel teaching skills.
Sister Hess and I met your son, Elder Landon David Foust, at the airport. We then took him and the other new missionaries to the Mission Home for dinner, so we could become better acquainted and start our missionary orientation. Elder Foust's first assignment is in the Petoskey area with his trainer, Elder Wright.
Your letters are to be sent to: Elder Landon Foust
2075 Woods Lane, Unit 10
Petoskey, MI 49770
May the Lord bless you and your family for supporting your son in his missionary work. Your love and encouragement are vital to his success. A weekly letter from home is so appreciated and should be positive and uplifting. On the other hand, too frequent communication, phone calls, or personal visits are distracting, and cause the missionary to lose his focus. We ask that phone calls be limited to Christmas and Mother's Day. We discourage personal visits from family and friends. We know that you will find a special spirit in your home and in your heart as you share this mission together.
We are pleased to serve with your son and know he will be a great blessing to the work of our Heavenly Father. Thank you for sending him. We will look after, take care of, and love him in every way possible while he serves the Lord. Should you have questions or concerns about your son, please call me.
Stephen H. Hess, President
Michigan Lansing Mission
One of the great experiences for Sister Hess and I is welcoming new missionaries as they arrive. They are anxious to accept their new life in the mission field. New missionaries bring with them a special spirit from the Missionary Training Center and are excited about exercising their newly found gospel teaching skills.
Sister Hess and I met your son, Elder Landon David Foust, at the airport. We then took him and the other new missionaries to the Mission Home for dinner, so we could become better acquainted and start our missionary orientation. Elder Foust's first assignment is in the Petoskey area with his trainer, Elder Wright.
Your letters are to be sent to: Elder Landon Foust
2075 Woods Lane, Unit 10
Petoskey, MI 49770
May the Lord bless you and your family for supporting your son in his missionary work. Your love and encouragement are vital to his success. A weekly letter from home is so appreciated and should be positive and uplifting. On the other hand, too frequent communication, phone calls, or personal visits are distracting, and cause the missionary to lose his focus. We ask that phone calls be limited to Christmas and Mother's Day. We discourage personal visits from family and friends. We know that you will find a special spirit in your home and in your heart as you share this mission together.
We are pleased to serve with your son and know he will be a great blessing to the work of our Heavenly Father. Thank you for sending him. We will look after, take care of, and love him in every way possible while he serves the Lord. Should you have questions or concerns about your son, please call me.
Stephen H. Hess, President
Michigan Lansing Mission
Monday, February 25, 2013
February 18, 2013 - President's Day
What's up family and friends!? it's been a great week, my companion and i
hit 5 of the 8 standards of excellence which president hess considers a
commendable week. we worked our butts off. it really doesn't feel like it should
be P-day today. well my comp and i have had to do a bunch of finding this week.
but we've found a ton of people to teach!! we found 5 solid potentials to teach
and we already taught one. her name is holly, she is a member of the Odawa tribe
here in petoskey. she has had a hard life, but started praying to jesus (
without being instructed or told how to do so) and just thought it was the right
thing. we taught her the restoration and it was really amazing how prepared she
is to hear the message! I've experienced some weird stuff. haha. naked people
answering the doors, weird athiest guy that wanted to talk and proceeded to tell
us how he broke his foot fighting with foam swords, and just a whole bunch of
weird. haha. gotta love petoskey, cheboygan, and charlavoix. I'll be headed down
to traverse city on tuesday through thursday because i'll be doing exchanges
with the zone leaders. it's been a great week. we are going to start the quit
smoking program with a guy, so that should be good. i'm excited to help
someone with that. so guess what. i'll be eating the worlds second hottest
pepper on the sixth of march. haha. if i do it i become an honorary uper! (upper
peninsula person) like i said it's been a great week. I love how much our stake
prepared us. i really felt prepared and i feel like i'm hitting the ground
running. aerating prepared me too, cuz now i don't take it personal when someone
says no at the door. It's awesome how much god helps us out with the work. my
comp and i are trying to get members involved with helping us, but it's kinda
difficult cuz they all are busy and live far away (or so they say) but we'll get
them involved with the investigators. don't worry. haha. :) so i did have a chat
with the branch council. there goal was to give us two referrals a month and i
basically told them that that was the worst/ laziest goal i had ever heard and
that we should easily get two a week. haha. my branch likes me though so they
took it well. haha. well i hope you all have a fantastic week and i'll write
again next week!
Invited to a Members House for Abraham Lincoln's Birthday.
His favorite meal was served as well!
His favorite meal was served as well!
February 11, 2013 - Welcome to Michigan
Last sight of the mountains for two years!
my companion has probably realized that i'm ocd and expect cleanliness, so he's started to clean his stuff up too. but it's really good, i'm enjoying it here. the bay of lake michigan is frozen! i thought it was a field with snow on it, but it was the lake! the makes really do freeze into wave position and it's nuts! haha.
so ya, it's been a good week. my area is a full time car mission, so that's really nice. it's kinda funny, this is gonna be a boasting in my god, but not me moment. i've been told my whole life that this would be a huge tough experience, (which i'm sure it will be, and it has been) but it's nuts how much i've been blessed with strength. but moral of the story, i've been able to keep on pushin on. i don't really know how to explain my feelings right now, but i have a huge confidence in the lord right now, and have since i got dropped off at the mtc. i've had some hard times, but it's always in my mind that i can't be stopped. which sounds way prideful, but it's true. i honestly can't be stopped cuz i have god on my side. i probably sound like a mega greenie. but it's true. i'm excited to work hard and get the work moving again here in this area. I love you all and hope all is going well.
Upon arriving at the mission home, there was a moment to take this picture with Monson Welch who is Brian Bentley's cousin serving in the same mission.
February 1, 2013
Whats up!? well it's almost time for me to hit the mission field. i'll be
leaving early wednesday morning. I'm pumped. the MTC has been great, but i'm to
the point that i just want to go do, and not learn how to do. but it's been an
awesome experience. I had in field orientation yesterday, so i'm now ready for
Lansing. or as ready as i can be. My companion and i have done really well
teaching our investigators here in the MTC. I've gotten pretty good at teaching
the lessons. I really do feel like i'm going to hit the ground running because
of all the work i did on my own and with the stake's mission prep classes. I'm
hoping i get an awesome trainer that is excited to be there or else i'm gonna
punch him in the head and force him to work hard! ;) ok maybe not i'll be
patient. you guys would be proud I got stuck with the laziest kid in the
district as my companion and i haven't punched him yet! I've just done what i'm
supposed to do and led by example. This kid sleeps like 90% of the day. it's
honestly amazing. i thought i was good at falling asleep until i met this kid.
but like i said i've been patient with him. I just mess with him when he sleeps
in class. haha. it's pretty funny. but everybody is getting used to being away
from their families so there aren't that many depressed people anymore! haha. I
really like my district.
we got some funny kids in here ( me being the funniest) that really get along and are all striving to fulfill our purposes as missionaries. the thing i love the most about the gospel is that it's complete. I used to think it was hard to teach the gospel to someone that already had a really good relationship with god but wasn't mormon. now i've found that it's not that hard at all! it's so cool because the Book of Mormon just builds on what the bible teaches. it has the potential to answer the questions people have about the bible and make the bible more clear. it is so cool how happy you can be when you apply the principles from the bible AND the book of mormon. you just need to help people see that the book of mormon is here so that we can live with our family forever with god and that it can make us sooo happy! Well, i don't have too much more time and i really don't know what else to say. the food here is amazing. but it's dumb, i've literally eaten 3 times the amount i did at home and i haven't gained a pound! i was hoping to be the size of big buddah by the end of my MTC experience. i'm the strongest in my zone by the way. we get gym time every day and i've shown up all the boys in my zone. I'm truly a man among boys! ;) haha! Well, you guys stay classy!
we got some funny kids in here ( me being the funniest) that really get along and are all striving to fulfill our purposes as missionaries. the thing i love the most about the gospel is that it's complete. I used to think it was hard to teach the gospel to someone that already had a really good relationship with god but wasn't mormon. now i've found that it's not that hard at all! it's so cool because the Book of Mormon just builds on what the bible teaches. it has the potential to answer the questions people have about the bible and make the bible more clear. it is so cool how happy you can be when you apply the principles from the bible AND the book of mormon. you just need to help people see that the book of mormon is here so that we can live with our family forever with god and that it can make us sooo happy! Well, i don't have too much more time and i really don't know what else to say. the food here is amazing. but it's dumb, i've literally eaten 3 times the amount i did at home and i haven't gained a pound! i was hoping to be the size of big buddah by the end of my MTC experience. i'm the strongest in my zone by the way. we get gym time every day and i've shown up all the boys in my zone. I'm truly a man among boys! ;) haha! Well, you guys stay classy!
Love Elder "The Studliest/ biggest man/ funniest man" Foust! ;)
The night before leaving the MTC with his good friend Elder Austen George
Thursday, February 7, 2013
January 25, 2013
For Landon's Birthday on January 18th, his mom had sent him a pumpkin pie via MTC Delivery. Landon isn't a huge cake fan, so she knew this would be fun. His sister, Shanna, had made oatmeal cookies to include, along with his favorite candies, LICORICE being at the top.
Landon was the last group of English speaking missionaries to spend three weeks in the MTC. From now on it will only be two. He wrote a brief note to let us know that his first P-day was not until a week from Friday which was January 25th.
Highlights from his first letter to Aysia. He can't stop talking about how much he loves the MTC. "First day was surprisingly good. It all felt right. It's a feeling that is kind of weird. You would think you'd be super sad, but you're kept busy." "My testimony has grown so much, when you get here you won't know much, but when you leave you'll know a ton and the lord will have you prepared. Honestly, the windows of heaven have been opened. I've received so much personal revelation and it is just amazing."
Highlights from first email:
Landon was the last group of English speaking missionaries to spend three weeks in the MTC. From now on it will only be two. He wrote a brief note to let us know that his first P-day was not until a week from Friday which was January 25th.
Highlights from his first letter to Aysia. He can't stop talking about how much he loves the MTC. "First day was surprisingly good. It all felt right. It's a feeling that is kind of weird. You would think you'd be super sad, but you're kept busy." "My testimony has grown so much, when you get here you won't know much, but when you leave you'll know a ton and the lord will have you prepared. Honestly, the windows of heaven have been opened. I've received so much personal revelation and it is just amazing."
Highlights from first email:
MTC is
now at full capacity at about 3000 missionaries - June there will be about 7-8000.
MTC is a lot of study and a lot of class,
but it is really neat. I feel like I've learned a ton, but on
the other hand I'm surprised at how ahead i was from all of my mission prep
classes and personal study.
My companion is cool, he was really depressed the first
three days but he got cool. I ended up telling him that his mission was going
to be hell if he kept acting that way. He was mad at me for like an hour but
ever since he's been way cool. he played football for Lehi high school.
All the missionaries at first were like, "has it
hit you yet?" personally i think that is the dumbest question i have ever heard
in my life. Of course it has hit me. I knew what i was signing up for.
I'm a district leader. The only down side is dealing with the depressed
people, but I'm staying patient (except with my comp) but like i said we're cool
terrible to say, but i really don't miss you guys. i really don't mind it here
and i know it's where I'm supposed to be. Well, i don't really know what else to say. I'm the best looking, most
athletic biggest stud here at the MTC, but that's not a surprise. ;)
District study group. Landon is District Leader so he's taking the picture.
Temple Day
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Finally, to the MTC
January, 16, 2013 finally arrived and it was time to enter the MTC. We were not assigned to be there until 12:45pm. Landon was up early, had his room vacuumed, his luggage by the door and totally dressed by 9:00am. We finally left after a game of Five Crowns at 11:00am.
The whole drop off at the MTC experience lasted about 4 minutes. It was pull in the driveway, pull up to the assigned curb, unload, take a picture and give mom and dad a hug.
The adventure begins!! Unbeknownst to Landon, when he walked in the front door, there stood Derek Ford (our neighbor) to give him a hug and greet him. What a tender mercy and immediate comfort to settle an anxious soul.
The whole drop off at the MTC experience lasted about 4 minutes. It was pull in the driveway, pull up to the assigned curb, unload, take a picture and give mom and dad a hug.
The adventure begins!! Unbeknownst to Landon, when he walked in the front door, there stood Derek Ford (our neighbor) to give him a hug and greet him. What a tender mercy and immediate comfort to settle an anxious soul.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Set Apart as a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Tuesday, January 15th at 7pm, we gathered at the Stake High Council Room where the Stake Presidency set Landon apart as a missionary and gave him a priesthood blessing. It was a little noisier than the average meeting as 9 children under 4 attended as well. Landon wanted his siblings there.
After the setting apart, the family gathered at the Foust House for some more pictures before Trent and Tiona left for Nevada in the morning.
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